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  • 1. (2021高一下·绥化开学考) 阅读理解

    Leah Amy, a flight attendant for Virgin Airlines, was on a flight to London when she saw a young man named Jack Littlejohn give up the comfort of his business class seat so 88- year-old Violet Allison could enjoy the benefits of first class travel. Amy described the passenger online as "her favorite passenger EVER!"

    Littlejohn had been in New York taking part in a charity event, the World's Biggest Sleep Out, which aims to shed light on the issues of homelessness. Before the family were due to return to their home in Scotland, their mom announced she'd gotten them all business class tickets. Littlejohn didn't feel comfortable about the difference between business and economy class, so he went to find a passenger who'd welcome his seat. That's when he came across Allison.

    The flight attendant explained that Allison, a former nurse, had recently undergone knee replacement surgery which had prevented her from visiting her daughter who's been working in London for a few years. Although the old woman has traveled to see her daughter on a few occasions, she'd never experienced the wonders of first class travel.

    When Littlejohn offered Allison his seat, he had no idea that it was a dream for her to travel in the front of the plane. The young man happily sat in Allison's less luxurious seat next to the economy class toilets.

    Allison had a strong desire to share her experience with her daughter, so the kind-hearted flight attendant took some pictures of her new favorite passenger. Although not much is known about Littlejohn, social network users describe him as a "true gentleman".

    1. (1) What did Littlejohn do in New York?
      A . He attended a family union. B . He did something for the homeless. C . He helped a woman in trouble. D . He organized a charity event.
    2. (2) How did Littlejohn feel when he settled in a business class seat?
      A . Excited. B . Worried. C . Uncomfortable. D . Moved.
    3. (3) How did Littlejohn deal with his seat?
      A . He offered it to an old woman. B . He exchanged it with his mom. C . He took the seat as his mom told. D . He gave it up and took another flight.
    4. (4) Why did Leah Amy take the photos?
      A . To share the experience with others. B . To record the most touching moment. C . To show the old woman's happiness. D . To satisfy the old woman's demand.
