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  • 1. (2021高一下·绥化开学考) 阅读理解

    I made my decision to start my own company and leave my stable position after attending a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a speech that changed my life. He asked us. "If genie (精灵) would grant you three wishes what would they be?" After giving us a moment to write down the three wishes, he then asked us. "Why do you need genie?" I would never forget the power I felt at that moment.

    I realized that everything I had accomplished had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and did not need a genie's help to become a professional speaker.

    When I tearfully told my boss my plans, this incredible leader whom I respect so much replied, "Go ahead with reckless abandon and it will pay off. "

    Having made that decision, I was immediately tested. One week after I quit mine, my husband was laid off (解雇) from his job. We had recently bought a new home me and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage payment and now we were done to no income. It was tempting to turn back to my former company, knowing they wanted me to stay, but I was certain that if I went back, I would never leave. I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if onlys" later on. A motivational speaker was born.

    When I held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles really began to happen. In a short time period my husband found a better job. We didn't miss a mortgage payment. And I was able to book several speaking engagements with new clients. I discovered the incredible power of dreams. I loved my old job, my peers and the company I left, but it was time to get on with my dream. To celebrate my success, I had a local artist paint my new office as a garden. At the top of one wall she wrote, "The world always makes way for the dreamer. "

    1. (1) What motivation did the author get from her vice-president?
      A . Why she needed a genie to help realize her dream. B . How could she realize her dream by a grantable genie. C . She did not have to rely on a genie at all. D . What wishes could a genie grant her.
    2. (2) What attitude does the author's boss have to her plans?
      A . Angry. B . Indifferent. C . Pitiful. D . Supportive.
    3. (3) What happened after the couple lost their jobs?
      A . The author came back to her former company. B . They were determined and worked hard. C . Their newly-bought house was taken back by the bank. D . The author's former boss gave her husband a better job
    4. (4) What does the text enlighten (启发) us?
      A . Opportunity always comes to those who are prepared. B . You will succeed as long as you stick to your dream. C . It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish. D . Helping others will benefit yourself as well.
