Supermarkets in Vietnam and Thailand are leading the fight single-use plastics by (replace) plastic bags with banana leaves.
As we all know, it is of great importance to the planet we stop using so much bloody plastic. Firstly, it is poisoning the seas. Whales are washed up (die). It is the huge amounts of plastic inside their (stomach) that kill them. Secondly, if it is poisoning the seas, it's (probable) poisoning us, too, for we eat a load of things that come out of the sea.
Lately, a new and encouraging (develop) started with a Facebook post showing banana leaves being used in the Rimping supermarket in Chiang Mai. Thailand. After seeing how much good publicity the post (get) in the past few months, supermarkets in Vietnam have all followed suit.
According to a spokesperson for Lotte Market in Ho Chizminh City, they're only doing this as test, but they plan to expand the action nationwide and hope to be able to use the leaves for meat as well as vegetables before too long. Besides, another Vietnamese supermarket, has already started using biodegradable (可生物降解的) bags (make) from corn.
This is a step in the right direction and we do need it.