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  • 1. (2021高三下·成都月考) 阅读理解

    The Tibet autonomous region has placed nearly half its land area under the strictest ecological supervision (监督).It was announced at an annual meeting of the regional People's Congress, which kicked off on Wednesday.

    The ecological protection area, which covers more than 539,000 square kilometers, makes up 45 percent of the region's area, and 22 ecological reserves have been built and are operational.

    According to the government work report, the rate of days with good air quality in Tibet's cities has reached 99.4 percent, and all the region's drinking water sources have met applicable standards.

    The report also said that the number of Tibetan antelope (羚)in the region has risen to more than 200,000, wildlife species to 1,072 and black-necked cranes to more than 8,000. Five rare new species have been discovered in recent years. The region has spent 12.2 billion yuan ($1.9 billion) on ecological protection projects in recent years. Five cities and three counties have been named as national-level ecologically civilized model cities and counties, and more rural residents have benefited financially by undertaking part-time ecological protection work.

    More advanced monitoring facilities have been in place in the reserve, with more ecological protection inspectors employed to undertake protection work. The professional ecological inspectors are provided with basic tools such as motorcycles, telescopes and paging receivers, and they provide feedback regularly. Professional inspectors also receive one week of training every year from professors at Tibet University.

    Kunsang Darje, a railway maintenance worker in Nagchu, said that apart from maintaining the railway and highway, he also collects trash along the section with his colleagues. "The place I work is in a no-man's land, and I think it's very important to protect the animals there without affecting them with human activities, and we are also bound to take responsibility there," he said.

    1. (1) What is the main idea of the text?
      A . The ecological situation in Tibet has been totally improved. B . Almost half Tibetan land has been ecologically supervised. C . Many more operational ecological reserves have been built. D . More Tibetan protection inspectors have been employed.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the positive effect of Tibet's ecological protection?
      A . Larger protection areas. B . Numerous rare new species. C . More days with quality air. D . Global capital investments.
    3. (3) By doing ecological protection work,         .
      A . protection inspectors can employ other people B . protection inspectors are supplied with cars C . Tibet's rural residents can get annual training D . Tibet's rural residents can earn extra money
    4. (4) What can be inferred from Kunsang Darje's words?
      A . He asks his colleagues not to litter everywhere. B . He attaches importance to raise animals there. C . He keeps railway and highway in good condition. D . He has a sense of duty to protect animals there.
