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        Thomas Edison was a1American inventor (发明家).2he was a child, he was always trying out new things. His mother loved him very much. She called3Tom. Young Tom was4school for only three5. During those three months, he asked his teacher a lot of6. Most of the questions were not7his lessons. His teacher thought he wasn't clever and told his mother to take8out of school.

    Edison's mother had to9him herself. Edison learned very quickly. He read a lot, and later he became very interested in science and invented10useful things.

    A . famous B . happy C . sad D . friendly
    A . When B . What C . Why D . Who
    A . him B . his C . her D . she
    A . at B . out C . on D . by
    A . hours B . months C . days D . years
    A . question B . questions C . answer D . answers
    A . in B . about C . at D . with
    A . his B . her C . him D . me
    A . teach B . teaches C . taught D . teaching
    A . many B . little C . a little D . much
