Many people think that fat-free cookies are a healthier option than a regular cookie, and that(choose) a salad is a much better choice than a cheeseburger. But in fact, there are a lot of foods considered as "healthy"are packed with hidden calories and sugar. Maybe you are trying your best to pursue healthier snacks,many choices are still harmful to your health.
Ideally, snack choices should be basedthe same principles as meal choices. After all, snacks make up an important part of people's daily food intake.
In addition, every person is unique. There isn't a(recommend) amount for snacking. It depends on a person's activity level, body size, medical situation, schedule and personal preferences. Some people(rare) snack at all, while others gain a(significance) part of their daily food intake from snacks throughout the day.
Keeping track of snacking habits can be beneficial, especially if you include notes that mention how each snack(contribute) to your personal goals. For example, if eatingafternoon snack helps you avoid overeating at dinner time, then it may be a wise choice(make).