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  • 1. (2021·黄山模拟) 阅读理解

    After releasing a short video on April 27 about planting and cooking peas, Chinese food blogger Li Ziqi witnessed her followers on YouTube go beyond 10 million.

    This puts Li, who shot to fame with short videos recording her traditional and peaceful lifestyle in China's countryside, among the ranks of the most popular Chinese-language content creators on the platform.

    "It's really surprising. I didn't expect such a wide response," Li told Xinhua in an interview, noting she was surprised by how foreign fans were taken with her works. "What I present is just a lifestyle I've long followed and appreciated," she said. "Maybe it's also what many other people have valued."

    Li's YouTube videos center on her life with her grandmother in the rural parts of Sichuan Province. In the videos, Li, often dressed in graceful traditional dresses, rises at sunrise, rests at sunset, plants seeds and harvests flowers, cooks Chinese dishes and crafts bamboo furniture. Unlike many other food bloggers, Li's videos set China's countryside as the stage and start with how the foods are planted and harvested on the farm. She rarely speaks in the process.

    Li's overseas followers have praised her videos for showing the amazingly charming, simple and beautiful side of China's rural life, but back home, there have long been debates on whether her presentation is unrealistically poetic.

    In response, Li, who was raised in the countryside, said she never needs special arrangements when shooting a video about rural life as "everything is in my mind." "In the countryside, planting flowers, vegetables and trees is not difficult. There are tough elements of rural life of course, but I didn't put them in my videos," Li said. "Most people today are facing much stress in work and life, so I hope they can feel relieved and relaxed when watching my videos."

    1. (1) How did Li Ziqi react to her overnight success as a blogger?
      A . She was overjoyed and proud of it. B . She was unprepared for it but calm. C . She didn't care about it at all. D . She was totally confused.
    2. (2) Why are there debates over Li's videos?
      A . Li's videos are too idealistic to be true. B . Some Chinese fans doubt whether they are realistic. C . Cultural differences exist between West and East. D . China's rural life is much tougher than presented by Li.
    3. (3) Why are these videos made according to Li Ziqi?
      A . To teach others how to enjoy 1life. B . To introduce China's rural life to the world. C . To help to free her viewers from pressure. D . To share her lifestyle with others.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Improved Rural Life in China B . Global Credit for China's Peaceful Lifestyle C . How to Live a Stress-free Life D . Chinese Blogger Catches the Eye of the World
