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  • 1. (2021·南昌模拟) 阅读理解

    Beethoven is a giant of classical music. And the most influential, too—at least, when it comes to piano compositions. That's according to a study in the journal EP J Data Science.

    If you're wondering how data analysis could determine something as abstract as cultural influence, it's worth remembering this: Music is the most mathematical of the art form, a lot of which is symbolic. The music is written in symbols that are connected in time.

    Juyong Park is a theoretical physicist in South Korea. Park and his colleagues collected 900 piano compositions by 19 composers from 1700 to 1910. Then they used that mathematical quality to their advantage by dividing each composition into what they called "code words", in other words, a chord. They then compared each chord to the chord or note that came after it, which allowed them to determine how creative composers were at coming up with novel transitions.

    The composer with top marks for novelty was Rachmaninoff. But when the researchers looked at those chord transitions across all 19 composers, it was Beethoven who was most heavily borrowed from—meaning at least among the composers in this analysis, his influence was the largest.

    Their study comes with some drawbacks. For example, the researchers only considered piano compositions in this work, and by only studying chord transitions, so their conclusions wouldn't relate to artists who were influential in other ways like Bach or Mozart. Park explained, "It's well understood that Mozart's contribution to music comes from the musical forms that he designed. That was not very well reflected by our mathematical modeling."

    As for Park, the results convinced him he has some listening to do. "Of course I listen to music. I like Rachmaninoff's music, but I have to say I have listened to Beethoven way more than Rachmaninoff. So after this work came out, I ended up buying his whole complete collection.

    1. (1) What makes it possible to determine musical influence?
      A . The symbolic nature of music. B . The analytical function of piano music. C . The abstract feature of culture. D . The rapid development of technology.
    2. (2) Who is the most creative composer in the study?
      A . Rachmaninoff. B . Beethoven. C . Bach. D . Mozart.
    3. (3) Why did Park make the explanation in paragraph 5?
      A . To express his admiration for Mozart. B . To compare Mozart with other musicians. C . To introduce a way to design musical forms. D . To show certain limitations of the study.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title of this text?
      A . Beethoven: a Genius in Classical Music B . Beethoven's Influence: Proved by Science C . Chords: a New Way to Determine Music D . The Art Form of Music: Written in Symbols
