A KFC in North Platte, Nebraska received a letter like on other in their mailbox last week. Owner Rocky said he was shocked to see someone had written his store to apologize for stealing chicken! Along with the note were two $1 bills in order to repay for the chicken this "thief" took from the buffet(自助餐) line! Wow! Talk about an honest cheat!
There was no return address on the envelop and Rocky says he wishes he knew who this fried chicken snatcher (小偷) was! Not so he could catch her and bring her to justice but rather because he'd like to give her some free food! Rocky said, "It seems as if her conscience got the best of her. I really wish I knew who it was. I would buy her a few meals."
The unknown moral letter writer explained just what went down while she was visiting the fast food restaurant, admitting, "This $2 is for the piece of chicken I brought home with me on Tuesday. That's stealing. Sorry! I took more on my plate than I could eat and I knew it would get thrown away there because it couldn't get put back on the buffet, so I put it in my purse and brought it home. I do love your chicken!"
She then asked for the restaurant's forgiveness, since she felt someone else had already forgiven her. She said, "Anyway, God has forgiven me and I hope you will too. I will not be so quick to take so much next time." Lady, you are MORE than forgiven! You are on your way to being great!