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  • 1. (2021九下·长岭月考) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子。

    The mother duck had eight little yellow ducklings, but one of them was different from the others. They called him Ugly Duckling.

    "You are an Ugly Duckling," the other duckling said." You don't look like us. we don't want to play with you." "You have made fun of me since I was born," the poor duckling said sadly. "You have hurt me for years! I don't want to stay here any more." so he left them and tried to find a happy place. Finally, he came to a lake. Many beautiful swans(天鹅)  were there. The Ugly Duckling swam to them.

    "Hello, little one. I've never seen you before, where are you from?" one of the swans saw him and asked.

    "Hello, I came from a place far away. I walked a long way. Now I'm tired. can I join you?"

    "sure, you are welcome, my dear child," the swan answered. "You're just one of us!"

    The Ugly Duckling was very happy, but a little surprised. He looked at himself in the clear water. Instead of an ugly duckling .He saw a beautiful swan. It was himself.

    He became the most beautiful swan of them all.

    1. (1) At first, all the ducklings like Ugly Ducklings.
    2. (2) Finally, Ugly Duckling left the ducklings.
    3. (3) The swan welcomed Ugly Duckling to join them
    4. (4) Ugly Duckling didn't become the most beautiful swan of them all.
    5. (5) In the end, Ugly Duckling went back to look for his mother.
