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  • 1. (2021·金华、丽水模拟) 阅读理解

    In a city in France, a history teacher named Mitchell found a note in an old book. It said there was a large amount or treasure buried on an island near the city.

    Mitchell invited his school's gym teacher Scott to go with to the island. They brought water, food, and Set out for the island. At first, they thought they would find the treasure and be back in a day or two. However, they got lost at sea and had no idea how to get back home.

    They finished all of their food by the seventh day. I here was just half a bottle of water left. Scott kept it from Mitchell and wouldn't let him drink it.

    "Please, give me some water," Mitchell begged. He grabbed at the bottle and started fighting with Scott. In the end, Scott beat Mitchell to death.

    Two days later, Scott was rescued (获救).He went onboard the rescue ship and took off his hat. His head was all wet with sweat.

    Officer Derek watched Scott board the boat. He waited for Scott to tell his story. Scott later said that he killed Mitchell accidentally. He said he was trying to stop Mitchell from drinking seawater. By that time, they hadn't had any fresh water to drink for seven days.

    "Are you sure that you hadn't had any water for seven days?" Derek said.

    "Yes, it was all my fault. I was just trying to stop him from drinking the seawater," Scott answered.

    "I see. That's quite interesting, Scott. I think you're lying. You killed him on purpose so you wouldn't have to share any fresh water with him."

    How did Derek know that Scott was lying?

    1. (1) Why did Mitchell and Scott go to the island?
      A . To go sightseeing. B . To meet Derek. C . To rescue someone. D . To find some treasure.
    2. (2) What does the underlined phrase "grabbed at" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . watched angrily B . left hurriedly C . took quickly D . dropped suddenly
    3. (3) Which of the following is the right order of the story?

      ①Scott was rescued    ②got lost at sea    ③set out for the island

      ④fought for water     ⑤learnt about the treasure

      A . ⑤④③②① B . ⑤③②④① C . ⑤②③①④ D . ⑤③④①②
    4. (4) Which detail possibly explains Derek's suspicion(怀疑)?
      A . Scott was trying to stop Mitchell from drinking the seawater. B . Scott wouldn't like to share any fresh water with Mitchell. C . Scott took off his hat after he was rescued onto the ship. D . Scott's head was all wet with sweat when he got on the ship.
