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  • 1. (2021·嘉兴) 下面是电视节目主持人Peter对夏令营Camp X-treme创办人Henry的采访实录。

    1. (1) 假设你对Henry 组织的夏令营感兴趣,请在Camp X-treme的网页上留言,向Henry询问今年夏令营的相关信息(如举办时间、地点或活动内容等)。请咨询一个问题,完成小题。

      Henry, I'd like to enter your Camp X-treme.                   (不超过10个单词)

    2. (2) 请将下面方框中A、B、C三个采访问题填入相应的位置,完成小题。

      Peter: Let's welcome Henry, the camp leader of the most popular summer camp in our city to Peter's Show!

      Henry: Thank you, Peter!

      Peter: Henry, why did you open up a camp?

      Henry: Ten years ago, I spent thrce wecks at a summer camp and had the best time of my life. I remember every day I was there, and I still have friends from then. So, I decided I wanted other children to have the same experience as me.


      Henry:Well, after I left school, I worked at a few summer camps. I wasn't a camp leader then and I didn't get any money for it, but I learmed whai a good leader needs to do. So, when I opened my own summer camp seven years ago, I was ready to become a camp leader. Since then I've organized lots of unforgettable activities. The kids love it.


      Henry: Actually, it's easy to make such a decision. I will think about what kids want to learn from a summer camp. They want adventure and exciting activities, They want to go home and say"You won't believe what I did!"So, extreme sports were the best idca.


      Henry: Kids have been coming to my camp for many years now, and I hardly hear any kids or parents complain(抱怨)。 The only problem I have is when there are too many kids who want to join. I have to tell them to come back the following year. Of course, they aren't very happy with the news.

      A. How long have yow worked as a camp leader?

      B. Have you had any problems since the camp opened?

      C. How did vou decide what kind of camp vou wanted to open?
