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  • 1. (2021·台州) 阅读理解

    The Youth Climate Summit (气候峰会) a week-long festival of climate action for primary and middle schools in the UK, starts on 9 November. It aims to create a fairer, more environmental world and make promises that will help the planet. Climate change is the long-term changes in the world's weather patterns that are mostly caused by human activity. "Unlike world leaders, "say the summit's organizers. "young people are refusing to let it drop off the plan. "

    Each day has a topic, which includes food and fashion, looking at how humans harm the environment and how to save the planet. Organizations are leading some on line activities. For example, the Marine Conservation Society is hosting meetings on protecting sea fish. Separately, the environmental organization Greenpeace is running a workshop on how to turn worn-out clothing into something new and wearable.

    The summit will finish on 13 November, when youth ambassadors (大使) wants schools to stop paper waste. Max, another 16-year-old ambassador wants schools to organize more trips and activities that get students outside to experience the beauty of nature. As part of the summit, hundreds of schools across the country are signing up to the Let's Go Zero activity, aiming to become carbon-zero (零碳的) by 2030.

    Carbon-zero schools are ones that promise to stop emitting carbon in seven areas, including where they get their food and how they use water and recycle their waste. The activity is run by Ashden, a charity working towards climate solutions. Ashden hopes that schools will be able to help each other by sharing ideas and methods. It is also calling on the Government to back the promise. Head over to transform-our-world. org where you can find out more.

    1. (1) The writer develops the first sentence in Paragraph 2 mainly by
      A . telling stories B . comparing facts C . giving examples D . listing numbers
    2. (2) Max advises schools to _______________________.
      A . recycle and reuse old clothes              B . prevent students from wasting paper C . have meetings on saving endangered sea fish D . provide more chances for students to enjoy the nature
    3. (3) The underlined word "emitting" in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to"____________".
      A . using up B . taking in C . sending out D . cutting down
    4. (4) The purpose of the passage is mainly to ___________________.
      A . explain the problems with climate change B . develop children's ability to solve social problems C . introduce the environmental organizations to schools D . encourage young people to care more about climate change
