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        Do you know Mozart? He is a famous musician.

        Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 and diedin 1791. When he was very young, his father often1himaround many different countries to play music for a lot of people. But somepeople didn't believe that a little2could write such beautifulmusic. They asked Mozart to stay in a room by himself3aweek. And someone4the room all the time. In that5, he finished a new piece of music.6that,people believed this little boy could write7music. During his8life,Mozart studied, taught, wrote and played music. Though he didn't have muchmoney, his music made9happy. And for10200years his music has made others happy too.

    A . took B . brought C . carried D . take
    A . boy B . girl C . student D . teacher
    A . in B . since C . for D . after
    A . saw B . watched C . looked D . stayed
    A . day B . year C . week D . hour
    A . Before B . After C . About D . With
    A . beautiful B . sad C . serious D . no
    A . long B . short C . lively D . crazy
    A . himself B . he C . herself D . her
    A . more B . than C . over D . much
