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  • 1. (2021高二下·南京月考) 阅读理解

    For many, scientific innovations tend to be welcome advancements that improve our lives. For some, however, new technologies bring risk of uselessness, in turn leading to great resistance.

    With the climate crisis unfolding before our eyes, the race is on to find alternatives that will help humanity leave a smaller footprint on our planet. Because of animal agriculture's leading role as a greenhouse gas emitter, the search for more sustainable protein sources could be one such alternative.

    As food tech companies use science to unlock the potential of plant proteins, they're producing increasingly better plant-based meats and milks that look and taste like the real thing, but with a much lower carbon footprint. Some in the meat industry are supporting the new and investing in these alt-protein companies.

    For some lawmakers, however, these innovative products don't deserve support; they deserve restriction. Missouri State, for example, recently passed a bill making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for companies to call their products ''meat'' if they don't come from an animal.

    So why the mania (狂热) over meat and milk all of a sudden? Was there a consumer who brought home some pies labeled ''plant-based meat'' only to realize he was tricked? Did confused milk-drinkers file complaints with the Department of Agriculture when they found out their soymilk didn't contain actual milk?

    There really are some consumers who are truly confused. Surveys show, however, that number is remarkably small. If anything, consumers are choosing these plant-based products specifically because they think they're better for them than the original products. And they have good reason to believe that plant-based milks and meats usually have less fat and more fiber than comparable animal-based foods.

    So, consumers aren't confusing ''veggie bacon'' for real bacon; and if they don't think chicken nuggets have the same nutritional value as ''chicken-free nuggets'', then why do some meat and milk groups want a monopoly (垄断) over the M-words? Could it have to do with the fact that the increasing popularity of these foods, which are more sustainable and better for you, is threatening the profits of their constituents?

    And with the future of our civilization hanging in the balance as climate change becomes more severe, it's time for policy makers to stop trying to prevent innovation, and instead to celebrate all the ways science can save us, including with sustainable proteins that can and do produce new kinds of meat.

    1. (1) What can be learned about the M-word applied to plant-based substitutes?
      A . They are environmentally friendly. B . They are innovative and widely accepted. C . They have been restricted across America. D . They have been produced in large quantities.
    2. (2) From the passage we can learn that consumers ______.
      A . have sufficient faith in new science and technology B . prefer the original products to the plant-based products C . buy the plant-based products for their great benefit to health D . often get confused by the composition of the new kind of meat
    3. (3) According to the author, some people resist the new kind of food probably because _____.
      A . it contains no real meat B . it brings risks to society C . it plays a trick on customers D . it poses a threat to their profits
    4. (4) What's the author's attitude towards the plant-based products?
      A . Supportive. B . Cautious. C . Ambiguous. D . Disapproving
