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  • 1. (2021·滨州) 阅读下面组文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

    Party Works to Serve Us

    Since 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC,中国共产党) has been leading Chinese people to live better lives.

    Both of my parents joined the Party when they were in university. They are (pride) of it. As members of the Party, they know they (serve) the people. They always take part in community efforts (active). During the (usual) winter holiday in 2020,they joined a team of volunteers to help check people's information and spread knowledge about COVID-19. Their behaviors show me the duty of the Party members. I want to learn more from (they) and be a member of the Party.

    When I was younger, my parents told me many touching (story) about the CPC The spirits of Hong Yan, Jinggangshan and Yan'an moved me so much. From that time forward, I became (interest) in the Party.

    Many years have passed, I (read) lots of books and watched movies that show the spirit of the CPC. What's more I have joined in many activities that are about the Party in order to learn more about it. Now I am a League (团) member. I believe that before long, I (be) a real Party member, If I become a member of the Party, I will do as much as I can (help) others. I'm looking forward to that day!
