当前位置: 小学英语 /
  • 1. 这是Lingling一天的作息时间表。

    7: 00~8: 00

    have breakfast

    walk to school

    listen to the English radio

    8: 00~12: 00

    Chinese class

    PE class

    maths class

    12: 00~14: 00

    have lunch

    clean the classroom

    take a nap(打个盹;小睡一会)

    14: 00~16: 30

    music class

    English class

    science class

    16: 30~17: 00

    play basketball

    17: 00

    go home

    18: 00

    watch TV

    have dinner

    talk with her family

    19: 30

    do homework

    22: 30

    go to bed

    1. (1) Lingling goes to school by bus.
    2. (2) Lingling takes a nap in the afternoon.
    3. (3) In the morning, Lingling has the science class.
    4. (4) At 6: 00 p. m., Lingling tells her mother what happened at school.
    5. (5) Lingling doesn't do homework in the evening.
