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    Today's price(今日价格)





          milk   ¥2/瓶

        apple   ¥2. 5/个

          cheese   ¥3/千克

    apple juice¥3/瓶

    banana ¥2/根


           tea   ¥2/杯

       pear   ¥1/个

          peanut   ¥5/千克



        Yesterday I bought two apples, three pears and two bottles of milk. I also bought half a kilo of cheese. I like cheese very much.
        Yesterday I bought two bottles of apple juice, three kilos of peanuts and three bananas. I also bought four pears. I like pears very much.

    1. (1) 阅读上面的内容,填单词补全对话。

      Amy: Hello, Tom. I went to the supermarket yesterday. What about you?

      Tom: I went to the supermarket, too. What did you buy?

      Amy: I bought two of apple juice and three bananas. I bought three kilos of , too.

      Tom: Did you buy sandwiches?

      Amy: No, I . What did you buy?

      Tom: I bought cheese. Because I like .

      Amy: How cheese did you buy?

      Tom: Half a .

    2. (2) Six yuan for two bananas.
    3. (3) Tom should pay (付费) forty-­six yuan.
