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  • 1. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    The guitar in the corner of the room is as silent as it has ever been for years now. It has been more than three months that no one has played it, and no one will ever play it again. A layer of dust has formed all over it. I could dust it off, but somehow I feel unworthy of touching it, let alone picking it up.  It had been such a big part of my childhood, hearing its amazing notes flow without hesitation, but only when held by the right hands did it sound as amazing as it could. I had always been afraid of it somehow. I am still a bit, since the sound was always strong yet comforting.

    I can't stop thinking about how I will never hear it again, how it would probably stay in that corner of my room for the rest of eternity. Sitting in the sofa facing the guitar I could almost see him, my dad, telling me that it was the second best thing in his life. I remember that moment so well. I was seven. I asked him,  “What's the first?” and he told me “You”.

    It made me feel so special, being picked over an instrument that could make such wonderful music with just a bit of help from the man that was in front of me. When he was home, every waking minute there was music radiating from it. The music made me feel safe, like if there wasn't anything else in the world but its amazing sounds. I stayed staring at the dust covered the guitar remembering the last time I saw my dad; he was heading out once more. He was excited and he was always proud of serving his country. He never complained. The only thing that he wouldn't like was being away from Mum and me.

    If I had known that it was the last time I would see him, I would have never let him go, and I would have begged him not to leave. I would have told him that I didn't want the guitar to stay in the corner collecting dust.



    He would have left anyways, I thought.  He loved protecting his country, and he used to say that he did it because he wanted me to be safe.

    It was getting late. I stood up from the couch and headed to bed.
