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  • 1. (2021·海南模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It is closing in on my 54th birthday as I write this and I am reminded of a wonderful quote(语录), "What a wonderful life I've had. I only wish I'd realized it sooner." l was so blessed to grow up the way l did. I was1by a loving family. I seemed to have all of2as my playground: I took walks in the woods and went swimming in the lake every day during the summer. I did well in school and 3friendships that I still have to this day. I was4enough to go to college and learned so much there.

    My life had its share of5too. I married young and6financially for years to support my family. Two of my three children were severely sick. And I realized that they would need to be 7for the rest of their lives here.8, raising them brought so much learning, laughter and9into my soul. In the end they became the greatest10in my life.

    Still, it took me a long time to11this. I spent years making the12so many of us here make. I constantly13what my life would be like if only my life's circumstances were14. In the end I wasted so many days looking for a15that never came and not enjoying the "present" I had 16_me. It took me years to see that where you are is not as important as who you are and that17living with love can bring you more 18 than anything else in this life.

    It is never too 19to realize how wonderful your life is. Always remember this20is God's gift to you. And how you live it is your gift to God.

    A . observed B . changed C . assessed D . surrounded
    A . atmosphere B . air C . nature D . equipment
    A . studied B . formed C . lost D . doubted
    A . fortunate B . confusing C . shy D . silent
    A . memories B . discoveries C . discussions D . problems
    A . withdrew B . adapted C . struggled D . improved
    A . picked out B . looked after C . learned from D . given up
    A . However B . Besides C . Therefore D . Instead
    A . care B . honesty C . respect D . love
    A . symbols B . hobbies C . blessings D . challenges
    A . announce B . realize C . analyze D . explain
    A . mistake B . record C . story D . plan
    A . wrote B . showed C . announced D . imagined
    A . different B . controversial C . annoying D . complex
    A . history B . past C . future D . present
    A . in front of B . apart from C . far from D . other than
    A . rarely B . immediately C . eventually D . simply
    A . health B . work C . joy D . creativity
    A . simple B . late C . strange D . bad
    A . life B . experience C . choice D . schedule
