Bright colors lead to active feelings. For example, the color red can cause people to feel excited. In fact, red can even make a person feel hungrier. Yellow can increase energy. Therefore, a room with strong red and yellow colors would be a good place to eat a lot of food quickly.
On the other hand, darker colors, like blue and green are peaceful. The color blue can help people calm (使平静下来) down. So, a blue room can be a good place to study. However, it is easier to nod off in a blue room than in a red one. So some good ways can be used to avoid falling asleep easily.
The colors of clothes can also influence people's feelings. Black and deep-blue clothes can produce a sense of strength and seriousness. Therefore, a person in a black suit can seem like a leader more easily than one wearing white. If a person is wearing a dark suit and a red tie, he or she may seem both powerful and energetic (精力充沛的). Perhaps this is why many business people wear dark suits with red ties. Brown and green clothes can produce a sense of confidence (自信). That means it may seem easier to trust the people wearing such colors. Therefore, many people choose to wear green or brown clothes for meetings or interviews.
Choice of color, for rooms as well as clothes, is not simply about appearance.