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  • 1. (2021高一上·九台开学考) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    It's not easy to achieve success. I deeply believe that it is worth taking time and 1 to prepare for big tasks, especially after my first experience of giving a 2.

    I will never forget how difficult it is to give my first speech. It 3 me a whole day to prepare for the topic and write a suitable speech. I searched for information online for a long time so I could 4 that my manuscript (手稿)was perfect. I tried to recite it, but I soon found that it was even 5 than I thought it would be.

    Asking for help is a useful way to deal with a hard task. I turned to my teacher, who gave me lots of 6 that were of great help to me.

    On the day of my speech, the microphone was broken. I was so 7 that I forgot my speech. 8, the host helped me calm down so that I was able to go on, though I didn't feel like the speech was very successful.

    But I learned a lot from this 9. It showed me that I hadn't prepared well enough, I hadn't practiced enough and that my “roots” had not grown deeply enough. 10 in the world follows natural rules, like the growth of bamboo-the more time we spend preparing, the deeper our roots grow, and the greater success we will have.

    A . money B . effort C . knowledge D . progress
    A . report B . diary C . speech D . exercise
    A . paid B . took C . cost D . spent
    A . talk about B . make sure C . point out D . learn about
    A . easier B . happier C . harder D . healthier
    A . suggestions B . notes C . information D . tasks
    A . excited B . sad C . happy D . nervous
    A . Luckily B . Unluckily C . Suddenly D . Immediately
    A . topic B . journey C . project D . experience
    A . Nothing B . Everything C . Something D . Everyone
