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    Asian elephants are an endangered species. Their numbers are somewhere between 39,000—44,000 and they spread across the vast continent—though almost half are located in India.

    The main threat faced by Indian elephants, like all Asian elephants, is loss of habitat, which then results in human-elephant conflict. In South Asia, an ever-increasing human population has led to much illegal occupation of elephant habitat.  Many construction projects of roads and railway tracks also break habitat into separate areas. Unable to mix with other groups, they run the risk of reproducing. Habitat loss also forces elephants into farmers' fields for food. Once a farmer's crops are destroyed, a conflict between humankind and the elephant is unavoidable.

    Even if suitable habitat exists, illegal hunting remains a threat to elephants in many areas. In 1989, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) banned the international trade in ivory (象牙). However, there are still some ivory markets in a number of countries which make an illegal international trade. Although most of this ivory comes from poaching African elephants, Asian elephants are also poached for their ivory, as well as for their skin.

    Catching wild elephants has become another threat to some wild populations, seriously reducing some numbers. Men would catch elephants to live with them and carry their heavy loads. India, Vietnam and Myanmar have banned catching elephants in order to protect their wild groups, but in some countries elephants are still caught each year for tourist industries. Tourists pay to ride the animals to the scenic spots to have their pictures taken.

    Why are their numbers becoming so desperate? It is time that we humans should pause and reflect.

    1. (1) Which is the main cause of human-elephant conflict?
      A . The loss of the elephants' habitat. B . The construction of new roads. C . The failure of the elephants' reproduction. D . The increase of human population.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "poaching" in Paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Raising. B . Stealing. C . Illegally hunting. D . Fiercely fighting.
    3. (3) Why do people catch wild elephants?
      A . To decrease the elephants' numbers. B . For industrial research. C . To watch over people's homes. D . For family use and income.
    4. (4) What's the best title of the text?
      A . Reflection on Ivory Trade B . Asian Elephants Are in Danger C . Effects of Protecting Elephants D . Indians Face Elephant Problems
