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  • 1. (2020七上·简阳月考) 学校举行了英语小征文活动,请阅读下面的获奖作品,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

        I have a big and clean room. A bed, a bookcase and a desk are in it. The bookcase is white, and you can see many books in the bookcase. I love reading books.


        My room is very small but tidy. I like music, so you can see a CD player and two sets of CDs on my desk. My black jacket and a quilt are on the bed. I  love my room.


        Look! I have many things in my room. My computer is on the desk and a yellow chair is under it. On the chair is my school bag. Can you see my dog? It is on the floor.


        This is my room. A map of China is on the wall. A dock is on the wall, too. I like sports and I have four baseballs. They are under my bed. What do you think of my room?


    1. (1) What is Jim's room like?   
      A . Big and clean. B . Small and clean. C . Small but tidy.
    2. (2) Who likes music?   
      A . Mike. B . Gina. C . Frank.
    3. (3) Where is Gina's schoolbag?   
      A . On the bed. B . On the chair. C . On the floor.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the four passages(文章)?
      A . Jim's bookcase is white. B . Frank has two baseballs. C . Gina's dog is not in her room.
    5. (5) What are the passages about?
      A . Four friends. B . Four pictures. C . Four rooms.
