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  • 1. (2021·呼和浩特) 阅读理解

    There was once a very wise man who lived in ancient times. He was elderly and educated.

    One day while on a walk, he realized that his shoes were starting to wear out. He knew he had to buy a new pair. But he didn't want to buy the wrong shoes. He collected some books and spent a lot of time reading about how to know if a pair of shoes fit properly.

    Following the books' instructions, the man took a stick and measured his feet with it. He then went to the market. However, he left the stick at home, which was far away from the shop.

    By the time the man returned to the market, the shop was closed. And by that point, his shoes were completely worn out, so he had to return home barefoot.

    The next morning, he walked back to the market with bare feet, but the shoes that he had chosen the day before had been sold. The wise man explained what had happened to the shopkeeper, who asked, "Why didn't you buy the shoes yesterday?"

    The wise man replied, "Because I left the stick that I had used to measure my feet at home. And you have to have the correct measurements of your feet before you can buy shoes. I didn't want to buy the wrong size."

    Even more surprised, the shopkeeper asked, "But your feet are always with you. Why didn't you just try the shoes on?"

    The wise man said, "All the books say shoes must be bought with the exact measurements of the shoes you already own."

    Laughing, the shop owner replied, "You don't need advice from books to buy shoes. You just need to have your feet, some money, and some common sense not to make things more difficult."

    1. (1) How did the man prepare to buy shoes?
      A . He read lots of books about making shoes. B . He used a stick to measure his feet. C . He measured his worn﹣out shoes. D . He asked the shopkeeper for advice.
    2. (2) Why didn't the man buy shoes the second time he went to the market?
      A . Because he didn't know his measurements. B . Because the shoe store was already closed. C . Because he forgot to take his stick along. D . Because the shoes he wanted were sold out.
    3. (3) What was the man like?
      A . He was old and humorous. B . He was a real wise man. C . He was educated and hard﹣working. D . He had little life experience.
    4. (4) Which sentence is TRUE according to the story?
      A . The man went to the market twice. B . The man bought the shoes he wanted at last. C . He returned home without shoes the second time. D . People usually measured their feet before buying shoes in ancient times.
    5. (5) What does the story teach us?
      A . Books tell you everything you need. B . It's necessary to get more education. C . Common sense can serve you well. D . Deal with difficult things in a simple way.
