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  • 1. (2021八上·江油开学考) 完形填空

    More than 70 years ago, a young man travelled far away to take an entrance exam for a famous music school. 1the examination, he tried his best, but the examiner didn't let him 2.

    The young man had little 3, so he could only make a living 4 playing the violin on the street. He played5 well that a lot of people stopped to listen and put money in his violin case.

    A hoodlum 6some money at the young man's feet. The young man bent down to pick up the money. Then he 7it to the hoodlum and said, "Sir, your money fell on the ground. " The hoodlum took the money, threw it at the young man's feet 8 and said, "This money is already yours, so you must take it!" The young man deeply bowed to him and said, "Sir, thank you for your 9 ! When you dropped your money, I picked it for you. Now my money is on the ground. Can I10you to pick it up for me?"

    The hoodlum was11. Finally he picked up the money, put it in the young man's violin case, and 12 in disgrace(丢脸的).

    The examiner was quietly watching the young man among 13on lookers. Then he decided to give him a second14. He brought the young man back to the school and finally enrolled him. After several years' hard work, the young man became a15musician.

    So when we have difficulties, we shouldn't accept the food handed out in contempt (轻视) .

    A . Among B . During C . Before D . After
    A . try B . leave C . know D . pass
    A . idea B . money C . mood D . dream
    A . by B . in C . at D . with
    A . so B . much C . enough D . such
    A . found B . used C . lost D . dropped
    A . paid B . threw C . handed D . hid
    A . again B . once C . twice D . ever
    A . collection B . experience C . invitation D . support
    A . order B . suggest C . trouble D . invite
    A . enjoyable B . afraid C . surprised D . curious
    A . stayed B . left C . went D . sent
    A . other B . others C . another D . the other
    A . choice B . chance C . work D . matter
    A . lonely B . lucky C . silent D . famous
