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  • 1. (2021九上·永嘉开学考) 阅读下面短文,客观题从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    PHEW! It's so hot today. A group of animals are resting under a big tree. They are talking about how they like to cool themselves down during the hot summer.

     The dog: We dogs pant to keep cool. Panting drives out hot air and brings in cooler air. It helps quickly evaporate water in our mouths to make our body temperature lower.

    The pig: We are different. We found another way to cool ourselves down. We enjoy rollingaround in mud* on hot summer days. Mud keeps us cool longer than water on its own, because the muddy water evaporates more slowly.

    The hippo: We hippos like to roll in mud to cool ourselves down, too.

    The dog: Mr. Hippo, your sweat is red. Do you sweat blood?

    The hippo: My clever friend, you are wrong this time. In fact, it isn't sweat. It helps to protect our skin from the sun and the dryness.

    The elephant: Wow, you make your own sunscreen! We elephants have our own fans! Our large ears can keep ourselves cool, just like fans.

    1. (1) The animals are talking about ___________.
      A . the best way to protect themselves B . different ways to cool down C . the best place to spend hot summer D . different places to keep cool
    2. (2) ________ lowers its temperature through its mouth.
      A . The dog B . The pig C . The hippo D . The elephant
    3. (3) Both the pig and the hippo like to keep themselves cool by ___________.
      A . panting B . producing sweat C . rolling in mud D . flapping ears
