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  • 1. (2020八上·瑞安开学考) 完形填空

    One day, I was so angry with my parents that I left home. I thought they had no rights to take control( 控制) of my life1they didn't even want to buy me a bike. I was so2that I didn't realise that I was wearing my father's shoes and I even took3wallet.

    While I was rushing on foot towards the4station, I felt a sharp pain in my foot. That was when I realised one of the shoes had a5. There were no buses around. Not knowing what to do, I6to look in my dad's wallet. There was a loan( 借款收据)of 40000 yuan. I also found a note7 his manager. It said, "Please wear a new pair of8to work.” Then, I remembered my mother had told Dad to buy a new pair of shoes, but he said his shoes could last another six months at least. 9 I found an exchange note. Dad was going to exchange his old motorbike for a new bike. I 10remembered that when I left home, my dad's motorbike wasn't there. I started to run back home with my11paining.

    However, when I got home, I didn't12to see Dad. After an hour. He came back with a new bike. 13my dad, I felt regret. That was when I realised the unconditional love that he had given me.

    Boys and girls, we14have a habit of taking our parents for granted( 视 …… 理所当然 ).From now on,let's not15them for things they have not done and start loving them for what they have done for us. You know parenting is not an easy job.

    A . or B . so C . though D . since
    A . mad B . afraid C . lonely D . worried
    A . my B . his C . her D . their
    A . bus B . train C . underground D . radio
    A . note
    B . key C . hole D . bottom
    A . preferred
    B . started C . promised D . agreed
    A . to B . for C . from D . about
    A . shoes B . socks C . glasses D . trousers
    A . However B . Also C . Instead D . Soon
    A . probably B . certainly C . especially D . suddenly
    A . head B . hand C . leg D . foot
    A . plan
    B . regret C . manage D . remember
    A . Worrying about B . Thinking of C . Looking at D . Waiting for
    A . always B . seldom(很少) C . just D . still
    A . refuse B . dislike C . believe D . depend
