It's necessary to start a small talk sometimes. Here are 5 steps you can try to follow.
STER 1: Talk with everyone you meet for the first time-waiters, people you're standing in line with, neighbors and kids. Make yourself get into small talk situations—doctors' waiting rooms, parties and bus stops.
STEP 2: Read everything -cookbooks, newspapers, magazines, maps and signs. Everything gives you information that you can talk about with others.
STEP 3: Talk to yourself in the mirror-see what you have to say on the subjects, baseball, Russia, butter, shoes… Make a list of them. The more different, the better.
STEP 4: Be a better listener-Did your co-worker just say she took her vacation in Europe? Did your neighbor just have twins? These are chances for making a small talk.
STEP 5: Try something new every day-Go home a new way. Try new food. Go online. All these give you active ideas and, more important an active lifestyle.
Believe in yourself. The more you know, the more you can talk about.