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  • 1. (2020八下·温州竞赛) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Charlotte Bronte was an English writer and she is best known for Jane Eyre. She was born in 1816 in England. She had two sisters, Anne and Emily. All of them were writers. When she was 31 years old, she wrote Jane Eyre. In this book, she chose a strong woman character. At this time in history, women were thought to be very emotional beings. They could only be wives or teachers. Bronte wanted to show a different side to women.

    In the novel, Jane is an orphan living with her aunt and cousins. They are very bad to her and treat her terribly. Her cousin John hates her very much. One day, they have a serious fight. Because of that. Jane is sent to a strict boardingschool(寄宿学校). There she discovers a love of learning. When she turns 18, she is invited to go to Thomfield Hall to teach a little French—girl. There she meets Mr. Rochester. At first Jane does not like Mr. Rochester. But they start to grow closer and finally fall in love. Mr. Rochester asks Jane to be his wife, and she accepts.

    However, their wedding(婚礼)day is anything but happy. It is found that Rochester has already had a wife called Bertha, who is insane(精神失常的). Jane is heartbroken and runs away from Thomfield. Luckily, two sisters, Diana and Mary, and their older brother St. John help her and allow her to stay in their house. St. John finds Jane a job as a teacher in a village.

    One night she hears Rochester's voice calling to her. She hurries back to Thornfield Hall only to discover it has burned to the ground. Bertha loses her life in the fire, and Mr. Rochester loses his sight. She finds him out, and they rebuild their relationship(关系). They get married and live happily ever after.  

    1. (1) Why did Charlotte Bronte write Jane Eyre?
      A . Because she didn't want to be a wife or a teacher. B . Because she wanted to show the different side of women to men. C . Because she wanted to tell others that women were not very emotional. D . Because she wanted to help women know more possible sides about themselves.
    2. (2) The underlined word "that" in the passage refers to_______ .
      A . her cousin John B . the serious fight C . her love of learning D . the dream of being a teacher
    3. (3) Which of the following words may NOT be used to describe their wedding day?
      A . happy B . sad C . surprising D . terrible
    4. (4) Jane runs away from Thornfield and Mr. Rocherster, because _______ .
      A . St. John helps her find another job as a teacher in a village. B . her aunt and cousins are very bad to her and treat her terribly. C . she discovers a love of learning when she is in the boarding school. D . she is heartbroken when she finds Mr. Rocherster is already married.
    5. (5) This passage mainly talks about _______ .
      A . the life story of Charlotte Bronte B . the story of Jane and Mr. Rochester C . Why Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre D . Charlotte Bronte and her work Jane Eyre
