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  • 1. (2020八下·温州竞赛) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Northeast China's Liaoning Province is all ready, using Artificial Intelligence (AI)to catch those trying to cheat(作弊). Reports say AI will analyze(分析)students from exam rooms and then warn monitors in the room, mostly teachers, to check if any student's body movements suggest dishonesty. The monitors(监视器)will have the final say on whether students were indeed cheating.

    This is the best example of technology being used to help human work. Earlier, it was left to one or two teachers to monitor 30 students writing the test in one exam room. AI can do a better job, but since it cannot finally say if a student is cheating, it is for the monitor in the room to check and decide the result. Such a model can help avoid mistakes out of carelessness while making it fairer(公平的).

    The conflicts (冲突)between monitors and cheaters dates back to the time when exams were introduced for choosing talents. In exams held for public office many hundred years ago, cheaters were known to carry papers with them to the exam room for cheating. Monitors were then asked to search their bodies before they sat for the exams.

    In recent years, some students sitting for the gaokao, which plays an important part in deciding which college they will successfully get into, have been known to use headphones connected to their telephones to get help from outside. In the early part of this century, machines screened all telephone signals coming from an exam center, so they can't be received.

    Ten years later, cameras were used to help in monitoring. Then came metal detectors(金属探测仪)to check what students were carrying to the exam room. And now, there's AI.

    The technology progress will help with exams and make it fairer and truer. It is time for students to work harder for a better score.

    1. (1) What's the right order of how AI work to stop cheating?

      A. AI analyzes students body movements.   B. Teachers in the room check the student.

      C. AI warns teachers in the exam room. D. Teachers finally decide the result.

      A . abcd B . acbd C .  bcad D . cbad
    2. (2) The use of AI in exam is a good example to show that_______ .
      A . Technology can make human's work better and fairer. B . Every province is all ready to catch those trying to cheat. C . Students should work hard to develop science and technology. D . The conflicts between monitors and cheaters have lasted for long.
    3. (3) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
      A . AI is used to stop students from cheating in the exam. B . If a student is cheating, AI can tell and finally say the result. C . AI was used when exams were introduced for choosing talents. D . With the help of AI, there is no need to send monitors to the exam rooms.
    4. (4) The underlined word "screen" in Paragraph 4 probably means
      A . show B . protect C . monitor D . stop
    5. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
      A . Stop cheating, AI is watching B . How AI works to stop cheating C . Time to work harder on your study D . The development of AI technology
