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  • 1. (2021九上·麒麟月考) 根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案

    An elderly couple has been providing free kitchen services for families of cancer patients for nearly 20 years. They have been honored as "People Who Moved China in 2020"for their kindness.

    Wan Zuocheng and his wife Xiong Gengxiang started running a restaurant near a cancer hospital in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, in 1993. . They late set up a breakfast stall(排位). . :

    In 2003, a woman went to their stall to borrow their stove to cook food. Her child was receiving treatment for bone cancer in the nearby Jiangxi Cancer Hospital. She said her kid wanted to eat food cooked by her. Wan Zuocheng immediately agreed to lend the stove to her. Since then, more and more families of patients from the hospital came to their stall to cook. The couple generously(慷慨地)allowed them to use their cooking things for food.

    Their kind action came with a price. With the rising prices(物价),those who borrowed their stoves started paying to the couple, However, the couple only accepted 0.5 yuan for each dish cooked. And they rose it to 1 yuan in 2016, which was just enough to cover the costs.

    The couple's income mainly comes from selling breakfast. And Xiong Gengxiang said they never wanted to make money by lending their stoves to cook things for patients.

    Every day, Wan Zuocheng gets up before 5 am, lights the stoves and boils hot water, making everything ready for people who will come to the "cancer kitchen". Their kind action brings warmth to the patients and their families,

    1. (1) How long have Wan Zuocheng and his wife offered free kitchen to patents' families?
      A . Less than 10 years B . Nearly 20 years C . More than 20years D . About 30 years
    2. (2) The woman wanted to use Wan Zuocheng's stove to cook because_________
      A . she was good at cooking breakfast B . she didn't want to walk far to buy breakfast C . her kid wanted to eat food cooked by her D . she didn't have money to buy breakfast
    3. (3) The underlined word "stove" means       in Chinese,
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) From the passage,we can infer(推断)that _____.
      A . the couple must be kind B . the couple wants to become famous C . the couple must have made much money D . these cooking stoves might be expensive
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . The couple are great heroes B . Spring comes at last after winter C . Cancer kitchen brings warmth to patients D . Give love to others and you will get a lot
