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  • 1. (2019九上·萧山期末) 下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F) 中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    The relationship between a parent and a child is among the most important in a person's life. Do you know how to develop a good parent and child relationship.

    Let your kids know that things don't always have to be so serious between you. Of course, you want them to have your authority (权威), but you also want to laugh with them and join in their activities. A sense of fun can live up their lives and build fond memories.

    As your children age, it's important to review your rules and guidelines and change them as needed. Children need to see that you trust them with more responsibility as they age. However, this also may translate to more serious results when they break the rules.

    When your child has a strong relationship with you. They feel strong and proud to go out into the world and take on challenges. Be a supporter for your child, pushing them to develop greater independence over time.

    As your children mature, it's okay to relax the parent hat a little and let them have a look at the person underneath. In feet, showing your kids your human side can actually make lessons stronger. Use personal, age-proper stories to drive home ways your kids can learn and grow.

    Teens can easily become close with too much face-to-face communication. Make the pressure less by planning some of your talks in a similar position. Try asking your son about bullying (霸凌) at school when driving him to soccer practice. Ask your daughter about her new love interest when you are baking in the kitchen

    A. Have relaxed side-by-side conversations.

    B. Open up and show your human side.

    C. Kid around.

    D. Include them in decisions.

    E. Encourage your child to take on challenges and find independence.

    F. Review rules and increase privilege as your children get older.
