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  • 1. (2019九上·萧山期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    I was 17 years old. Along with a dozen other boys, I made the long trip to Iowa in order to see a college that I was thinking of 1 . While the trip had been fun for the most part, now that I was there I was feeling lonely.

    I was missing my family and realized that I wouldn't be seeing them very much 2 I went to school here. I was also missing the Appalachian mountains where I grew up. I3 walking in the forests of maple (枫树) and pine trees there. I loved how the4turned a thousand shades (树荫) of green in the spring and then became a sea of red, gold, and orange in the fall. I loved the5 of countless wild flowers that grew in our garden. These things were a part of me.

    Here in Iowa everything was 6 .The grass looked burnt and brown. All that I could smell was a 7 of corn, mud and pigs. I walked outside the dormitory and sat under a tree. I closed my eyes, 8being back home again.

    When I finally 9 them, however, I saw something that touched my soul (灵魂) . It was the sunset. It seemed to10 the sky. Gold, red, purple and pink clouds moved together like a picture. It was so huge and I was 11 in the beautiful scenery. It made our mountain sunsets seem12 by comparison (比较). I was tilled with wonder. I realized that I had been foolish and judgmental (妄下结论的). This place had its own special13 .

    Over the years to come I learned something else. Each of us also has a 14 beauty. We all have our own unique (独待的) talents and abilities. We all have a beautiful, powerful love that 15 we can share.

    A . learning B . attending C . going D . dealing
    A . if B . before C . since D . because
    A . practiced B . started C . loved D . rushed
    A . leaves B . fields C . gardens D . mountains
    A . taste B . color C . shapes D . smell
    A . dull B . similar C . interesting D . pretty
    A . mixture B . dirt C . place D . thing
    A . enjoying B . regretting C . avoiding D . imagining
    A . eared B . opened C . covered D . turned
    A . save B . copy C . cross D . fill
    A . lost B . touched C . caught D . stuck
    A . far B . huge C . pretty D . tiny
    A . view B . beauty C . custom D . style
    A . special B . proper C . usual D . direct
    A . still B . even C . only D . yet
