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  • 1. (2019九上·下城期末) 下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Courtesy in English

    Courtesy(礼貌) is an art form that shows our moral character. China's history is one of a civilization(文明) with a highly developed sense of etiquette(礼仪); therefore, we should speak English as politely as possible when we go abroad.

    Being polite when you ask for something is very important. Beginning your request with "May I...?""Could I...?" is considered polite. For example, "May I have a latte". It is also politer to say "I'll have..." or "I'd like..." instead of "I want...". Because it will be considered less direct.

    We should say "Excuse me" or "Do you mind if I ask you something?" We should not ask our questions directly. Instead, for example, we should say "Could you tell me where the restrooms are?"

    Local people in other communities sometimes speak really fast, so it can be hard for us to catch all the words. In such a situation, we can say "Pardon me?" to ask them to repeat what they said. In my opinion, saying "Can you please repeat that? I didn't follow" is the politest way.

    It is also important to know how to refuse someone's invitation. If we really can't make it, we can first say "I'd like to." and then say "but l have to work late" for example. Or "I'm afraid I can't" or even "That sounds great, but ...".

    We can use sentences like "I see what you're saying, but I think..."or "You could be right, but don't forget that..."or even "Yes, that's true, but I'm not sure that...".These are great ways to express disagreement politely by being less direct.

    A. Refusing an invitation.

    B. "Please" and "thank you" go along way when we speak to each other.

    C. Asking for help.

    D. Ordering meals.

    E. Expressing disagreement.

    F. Can't catch what's been said?
