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  • 1. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

    One time, the teachers at a school wanted to teach the students about airplanes. While all airplanes can fly, some are able to fly farther than others. This is because not all airplanes are built the same. For example, a fighter plane looks very different from a plane that people fly in when they want to go on a holiday. The teachers wondered how they could make students understand this.

    Then, the science teacher, Mr Moose, decided that the school should have a paper airplane contest. Every student would design a paper airplane. They would stand in a line in the playground behind the school. The students would take turns throwing their airplanes. The student whose airplane went the farthest would win.

    When Mr Moose announced the paper airplane contest to the students, they were very excited. A student named Paul, who was on the school sports team, said to everyone else that his airplane would win. “I am the strongest, ” Paul said, “so I will be able to throw my airplane the farthest. ”

    However, while Paul was saying this, another student, Brian, was thinking how he could win. Brian did not play any sports and was not very strong. But he loved airplanes and really wanted to win the contest.

    Brian realized what he had to do. He went to the store and bought a big stack (叠) of paper. When he got home, he took the paper into his backyard. He took a piece of paper and folded an airplane. It didn't go very far, so Brian took another piece and folded (折叠) another airplane and threw it. This airplane went a little farther. Brian kept folding different kinds of airplanes and throwing them. Some went very far and some did not. Finally, when Brian had used all the paper, he walked up to the airplane that had flown the farthest and picked it up.

    The next day was the contest. All the students lined up. Everyone took turns. After a while, everyone had thrown except Paul and Brian. Paul went first. With a loud yell, he threw the airplane into the sky. It went farther than every other airplane. Everyone cheered.

    注意: 续写词数应为150左右。

          Finally, it was Brian's turn.

          Brian won because he tried out many solutions to the problem of how to make an airplane fly very far.
