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  • 1. (2021八上·长春期中) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Did you walk into the cinema on National Day and watch the movie "Changjin Lake(长津湖)"? It's about how the new China helped North Korea to push back the American soldiers(士兵). It is not only the movie itself that makes people touch, but the heroes of the war who fought for our country and the people.

    Let's take a close look at the real-life history behind the movie. Changjin Lake is in North Korea. The Battle(战役)of Lake Changjin was in a very cold winter with temperatures(气温)of around -40℃. In the 1950s, our Chinese soldiers had to face life-and-death problems when they got on the train to enter the DPRK. A US enemy plane bombed(轰炸)the trains, and the soldiers had to quickly moved into the mountains and forests to hide. I still deeply remember a picture in the movie. In order not to expose the target(暴露目标), they stayed in the ice and snow without any moving. Although the follow-up troops(后续部队)killed the enemy and won the battle, unluckily 125 soldiers were frozen(冻)to death. This is a movie about war and people. Many can't help crying after watching this movie, because our Chinese soldiers used their lives to guard(保卫)the country and the people.

    It is the loveliest persons who guarded China's great rivers and mountains. However, many of them never have the chance to see the beautiful mountains and rivers again. The movie "Changjin Lake" wants to tell as today's young people:though we live in an age without war, we should never forget the true heroes in the history and we need to pass on their great spirit!

    1. (1) Is "Changjin Lake" a movie about how our parents help build our country?
    2. (2) Where is Changjin Lake?
    3. (3) When did the Battle of Lake Changiin take place(发生)?
    4. (4) Why do many people cry after watching this movie?
    5. (5) What can we learn from the film "Changjin Lake"?
