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  • 1. (2021八上·长春期中) 孟晚舟在回国的飞机上发表感言,感谢祖国和人民的支持与帮助,同时也感谢习主席关心着每一个中国人的安危。经历促成长,正如那句谚语所说的,"困难越大,成长越多"!请根据上下文和中文提示,完成短文。每空一词。

    Meng Wanzhou, flew back to China September 25, 2021. This is a very huge win(胜利)for China. On the way home, Meng says "I'm finally back home! The most important thing is that we were born in a great country. Chairman Xi about the safety(安全)of every Chinese. Without strong motherland, no freedom(自由)today". She will forget all the help and support from Chinese people and the people around the world. As the goes, the greater the difficulty, greater the growth.
