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  • 1. (2021九上·福田期中) 请根据以下人物信息介绍,给他们提供合适的建议填入提前括号内,有一项是多余选项。

    I am struggling with laziness these days. Every time I am reminded that I should exercise more, l find many different excuses, such as bad weather or having too much homework.

    When I am in class, I get distracted(分心) by the thought that my friend Jim will get better grades than me. This prevents me from learning well.

    I am going to have a lot of exams soon. This makes me feel very nervous. I always worry about whether I will be able to get into a good high school.

    I think performing on stage is the only way I can become more popular at school. But I get so nervous every time I get on stage. My nervousness destroys my hope.

    This term we got a new English teacher. I have some difficulty in understanding his lessons. I don't want to give up on this subject because it is really important.

    A. Exams can be a bit stressful, but they are just a normal part of school. Pay attention to what you can do today. Practicing some kinds of hobby, such as painting or playing music, are good ways to relax.

    B. School is not a competition. Don't spend all your time comparing yourselves with each other. If you focus more on your own studies, you will make real progress and gain more confidence.

    C. A lot of people in my age have "gym buddies". If you can find a friend to encourage you to exercise along with them, you probably won't make excuses.

    D. According to a research from Denmark, Children who spend more time outdoors have a 55% lower chance of developing mental illness later in life.

    E. It is natural to feel nervous on stage. Do some calming activities such as drinking tea or meditating(冥想)before you perform. This can help to calm your nerves.

    F. Good teachers will do their best to make sure that all of the students in their classes can benefit from their teaching. You can talk with your teacher after class and discuss your problem. Do make sure to be polite when you are doing this.
