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        For most people, summer holidays mean sun, sea and sand, . She had a holiday full of ice and snow. She and her family travelled across Greenland! Starting just above the Arctic Circle (北极圈), Sarah's family used dogsleds with kites to cross the world's biggest island.

        Sarah says . "There is only snow, ice, and more snow. " The family travelled 15 miles a day for 22 days, moving faster when strong winds pushed along their kites.

        Then the weather became a bit hot for the dogs to pull sleds during the day, . The Landrys lived in tents, ate dried food, and took baths with heated water. When they weren't travelling, they played with kites and made snowmen. Using their mobile phones, the family could send and get emails even from Greenland's ice cap! The road to the top was icy and dangerous.

        . "Icebergs (冰山) were so bright, just like the rising sun." said Sarah. Now she and her family have returned home, . Next holiday, they are going to the South Pole.

    A. so the family began travelling at night

    B. The difficult journey was worth it when they reached the ice cap and saw the view

    C. but not for Canadian schoolgirl Sarah Landry

    D. but they're already talking about their next plan

    E. there wasn't much to see during the long journey
