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  • 1. (2021九上·杭州期中) 假如你是李平,你收到国际学生社团主席的邮件,请阅读以下邮件,接受邀请,回答问题,并询问一个有关演讲的细节。



    Hi Li Ping,

        We would like to invite you to give a talk on Chinese traditional art in our school. The talk will be on the evening of Thursday, November 18th at 7:00. If you are able to come, please introduce a piece of Chinese art to our students. What materials are used to make it? I would like to know why you think the students in our club will be interested in it. I know there are many traditional festivals in China. Is the art piece used at any festivals?

        By the way, if you have any questions about the talk, feel free to ask. Hope you can make it!


    President of International Students' Club

    Dear Matt,
