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  • 1. (2021高二上·肇庆期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Nowadays, many of us are working long hours at home, so more than ever, we are in need of a pet to help relieve anxiety and provide company for the lonely days. There are simply too many benefits to list, so we've gathered only our top reasons.

    Working long hours from home can never be a nice thing. Without all the human contact we would normally get in the office, we can often find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated. However, with a pet at home we're likely to feel much better.

    A call to head outdoors. For those who have an animal that enjoys going outdoors, pets can serve as a great reminder of heading outdoors to get some fresh air. However, often owners will return from their walks feeling calmer, more relaxed and more energized. Whatever the weather, getting outside is beneficial to us.

    Caring for something else. Often, when we feel loneliness or anxiety, we tend to be focusing inwards, to our own worries and self-doubts. Therefore, it's advisable to invest time in our pet's well-being by giving them the best care we can.

    Motivation (动力) and routine. Pets are a source of motivation for their owners simply because they rely on us so heavily. Without a pet, we'll find it hard to keep our daily routine while working at home. . But when we have a pet to look after, we have to get up early and be ready for the day ahead. This is going to benefit both the pet and ourselves.

    A. An end to loneliness.

    B A time killer in daily life.

    C. We tend to skip meals or sleep late.

    D. Pets often walk here and there and make our house dirty.

    E. The positive effects a pet can have on our mental health are amazing.

    F. The task of heading out for a walk on a rainy day may not seem attractive.

    G. Directing our attention to the outside world helps relieve those negative feelings.
