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  • 1. (2020八上·江北月考) 阅读理解

        It's interesting and sometimes exciting to visit a friend's house. But do you know how to be a polite visitor? Here are some tips.  Arrive on time. It's quite important. If your friend tells you to come at about 4:00, you'd better arrive at his home from 3:55 to 4:05. It will make both you and your friend embarrassed(尴尬)if you arrive too early or too late.

        Bring a little gift. It's often great to bring something cheap but nice to your friend's house. A box of chocolates, a CD or some flowers would be fine. It's a good way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his home.

        Show enough respect(尊敬). Sometimes you may meet your friend's parents. You should greet them and introduce yourself. Don't call your friend's parents by their first names as you call your friend at any time. Calling them Mr. or Mrs. plus their family names would show your politeness(礼貌) and respect.

        Be polite to your friend and his family, you'll be welcome again.

    1. (1) Your friend invites you for dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. It's best for you to arrive at his home at ________.
      A . 6:20 pm B . 7:02 pm C . 7:30 pm D . 7:00 am 
    2. (2) You can bring the following as a gift to your friend's home except ________.
      A . a nice CD B . some beautiful flower C . an expensive watch D . a delicious box of chocolates
    3. (3) When you are at your friend Bob Green's home, you meet his father John. It's

      polite for you to call him ________.

      A . John B . John Green C . Mr. Green D . Mr. John
    4. (4) What is the main idea of this passage?
      A . How to be a polite visitor. B . How to arrive at a friend's home. C . Be polite to your friend. D . How to buy some nice gifts.
