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  • 1. (2020高一上·广州期末) 完形填空

    Lifeart is a student-run organization founded by one of my best friends at my school in Boston, US. It gathers its members together to make artwork to sell for one1: funding cancer research.

    Since the students at our school can only2us so much, we took our artwork to the3of Boston one spring day to try and sell it to the4.

    We set up near the entrance of an underground station, thinking that people might be more likely to5our artwork if they were going home. It was quite6to control the situation at first. It was7that day, so our canvases(帆布)kept on falling over, and the price tags kept on blowing away. All of us were quite8as well and were afraid to ask people if they would consider buying our artwork.

    Finally, one of the brave girls, Luna, talked to our first9. Although he did not buy anything, it gave a little bit of10in the rest of us. Then I tried to talk to a Korean woman passing by. I felt a little11when she said that she didn't have time, but my courage had grown with this short conversation with a12.

    At the end of the day, we sold a respectable amount of artwork. It might not have been as much as we13, but we agreed as a group that the14of gaining and exercising our courage made up for the15.

    A . purpose B . rule C . organization D . topic
    A . pay B . support C . tell D . push
    A . school B . museum C . workshop D . street
    A . classmates B . members C . researchers D . public
    A . take B . buy C . watch D . keep
    A . hard B . dangerous C . easy D . pleasant
    A . sunny B . rainy C . windy D . snowy
    A . anxious B . calm C . shy D . outgoing
    A . friend B . company C . helper D . customer
    A . courage B . challenge C . comfort D . responsibility
    A . embarrassed B . surprised C . injured D . frightened
    A . character B . stranger C . native D . visitor
    A . knew B . found C . expected D . learned
    A . behavior B . interest C . attitude D . experience
    A . profit B . pity C . money D . detail
