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  • 1. (2020高二上·扬州期末) 阅读理解

    What's your dream? A writer, creative artist, scientist or a future scholar? Many publishing platforms provide teens with opportunities for recognition in those fields. Submitting(提交) your work for review and publication can direct your creative energy into a meaningful and rewarding project. Additionally, working on your writing will improve your research and organizational skills. Participating in a competition, or having your work published, is also a factor in college admissions decisions.

    Write the World Competition

    Write the World is a global community of young writers, ages 13-18. Write the World offers a list of themed competitions. Current competition is for a Speech Writing Oration. The list of past competitions includes Historical Fiction, Food Writing, Album Review, Environmental Journalism, Songwriting and Book Review.

    Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

    Scholastic Art and Writing Awards has the largest selection of opportunities for creative self- expression. Young artists and writers can choose from twenty eight categories. For the latest updates, rules, and information on how to enter, register with Scholastic. To participate in the Awards, you must be a student in grades 7–12, age 13 years or older, living in the United States.

    Teen Ink Magazine

    A national teen magazine devoted to teenage writing, art, photos and forums, offers an opportunity to publish creative work and opinions on issues that affect their lives of teens. Hundreds of thousands of students aged 13-19, have submitted their work. Teens can submit an article, poetry, book, novel, photo or a video through this link.

    Achievement Award in Writing

    National Council of Teachers of English is offering an Achievement Award in Writing to High School Juniors in the United States, Canada, and American Schools abroad. Students must be recommended by their school's English department and should submit one themed essay and a copy of their best writing.

    1. (1) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of publishing your works?
      A . Getting your writing talent confirmed. B . Making you feel energetic. C . Knowing how to do research better. D . Better chance to go to college.
    2. (2) A student has made a short film. Which platform can he submit his work to?
      A . Write the World Competition B . Scholastic Art and Writing Awards C . Teen Ink Magazine D . Achievement Award in Writing
    3. (3) What is special about Achievement Award in Writing?
      A . 7th –12th graders can submit their works. B . It accepts submissions from outside the U.S. C . It offers a theme for students to write about. D . Students can't submit their works directly.
