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  • 1. (2021八上·綦江月考) 阅读理解

    Last month, I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. His grandpa took him out to the yard to play. Tom was quite interested in everything here.

    At lunch, Tom told me, "Dad, I saw a hen(母鸡) flying. "

    "Impossible!" I said without thinking. "How can a hen flying?"

    "Dad, the dog ran after the hen in the yard. The hen was trapped in a corner. When she saw no other way out, she suddenly flapped (拍打) her wings and flew up to the roof(屋顶). The hen escaped (逃跑). Dad, I didn't know the hens could fly. How can she fly?" my child asked.

    I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love. The hen loves her own life and that helps her fly. "

    Tom nodded. He seemed to have understood.

    Last weekend, we visited Tom's grandparents again. This time we heard Tom shouting from the yard. "Dad, the dog is chasing (追逐) her again! Come and see!"

    I ran out of the house. The hen was running after a group of chickens, followed closely by the dog. All of a sudden, the hen stopped. She didn't fly away or run away this time. Instead, she turned around, spread her wings and shouted angrily and loudly at the dog. The scared chickens were all hiding behind her.

    I ran over, got between the dog and the hen and drove the dog away.

    "Why didn't the hen fly away? She knows she can't fight the dog." Tom asked.

    I thought for a while and said, " Saw the scared(恐惧的) chickens just now? Maybe because of love. ____▲__" Tom thought for a long time and nodded. He seemed to have understood.

    1. (1) _______ helped the hen fly up to the roof and escape according to the writer.
      A . Tom B . Love for her own life  C . Tom's grandpa D . The help from the dog
    2. (2) Which sentence is the best for the _________in the last paragraph?
      A . She decided to give up fighting. B . She knew the dog wouldn't hurt her. C . She chose to risk her life to protect (保护) her children. D . She realized that she just needed to fight for Tom.
    3. (3) We can infer (推断) ______ from the passage.
      A . at first, the writer didn't believe that a hen could fly B . the writer drove the dog away twice when seeing the dog -hen fight C . the hen Tom saw was much bigger than the dog D . Tom didn't like to go to the countryside
    4. (4) The best title of this passage is "________".
      A . A Sad Story about Tom B . Two Interesting Trips C . Because of Love D . Because of Chickens
