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  • 1. (2021八上·綦江月考) 阅读理解

    After the long time of waiting, vaccines (疫苗) for COVID-19 come to the world, bringing hope to every one of us in this fight.

    Vaccination (疫苗接种) is different in different countries. On December 8, 2020, the United Kingdom started to ask people to get vaccine which were developed by scientists from the United States and Germany. On December 14, 2020, the US also started that around the country as the number of deaths in the country reached over 300, 000.

    China starts having some key groups to get vaccines during the winter, too. Who gets the vaccines first? People who worked in healthcare and at sea food markets do because these people's jobs are high risk as we all know. The vaccine program also covers those who plan to work or study in high risk countries and places according to the National Health Commission (NHC).

    This is the first action of China's plan to get people to get vaccines. Next, with COVID-19 vaccines is ready for the market, China will put more vaccines into use for more groups such as old people.

    However, people might ask, "Is it safe enough to get the vaccine?" The answer is yes. The vaccine must pass many strict tests before coming to the markets. In July 2020, there were over 1 million people working in high-risk places receiving the vaccine. And there were no serious side effects (副作用) showing in the them.

    When some are waiting to get the vaccine, others may not want to get it, still worrying about the side effect." We understand that it's a personal choice to get it or not. But please don't forget to keep the living and workplaces clean, wear masks and often wash hands.

    1. (1) The vaccine people got in the United Kingdom was from______.
      A . the US and China B . the US and Germany C . the United Kingdom and Germany D . Germany and China
    2. (2) According to the passage, people ______will get the vaccines first in China.

      ① who have high risk jobs           ②who get COVID-19

      ③who come from high risk places     ④who plan to work in high risk countries

      A . ①and② B . ②and③ C . ③and④ D . ①and④
    3. (3) According to the passage, we can infer that______.
      A . wearing masks and washing hands are still needed to fight against COVID-19 B . over 1 million people working in high risk places got the vaccine in June 2020 C . China's COVID-19 vaccine is safer than any of other countries' in the world D . there are no side effects showing after getting China's COVID-19 vaccines
    4. (4) The right structure for the passage is______.

      ①=Paragraph 1   ②=Paragraph 2  ③=Paragraph 3  

      ④=Paragraph 4   ⑤=Paragraph 5  ⑥=Paragraph 6

      A . ①②, ③④, ⑤⑥ B . ①, ②③④⑤, ⑥    C . ①②, ③④⑤, ⑥ D . ①, ②③④, ⑤⑥
