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  • 1. (2020八上·黄埔期末) 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。

    There was a young painter who made money by painting portraits (肖像画). His dream was to become one of 1 artists in the field of art. One day, a rich lady asked him to paint 2portrait for her and promised to pay him 10,000 dollars.

    After a week, the lady came to take the painting. The painting was wonderful,3 she was not happy with it. She told the young painter, "I will buy this painting only for 3,000 dollars." The young painter felt 4at what she said. Then he talked with the lady, hoping that she would keep her promise.

    The rich lady said to the painter, "The person in the painting is me.5 I don't buy this painting,6 else will buy it. So you have to sell it to me for 3,000 dollars."

    The young painter said 7, "No, I prefer not to sell it rather than be humiliated(羞辱)by you. Someday, you need to spend 20 times the money 8the painting, because you break your promise today."

    After that, the painter worked even 9than before. Finally, his dream came true and he became very famous in the field of art.

    The rich lady soon forgot about the artist and what he had told her. But one day, one other friend told her, "There is a painter selling a painting called ‘Liar'(说谎的人)for 200,000 dollars. The lady in the painting looks really like you."

    Then, the rich lady remembered the painter. She quickly went 10sorry to him and paid 200,000 dollars to buy the portrait.

    A . the famous B . the most famous C . more famous D . famous
    A . the one B . first C . the first D . one
    A . so B . or C . and D . but
    A . surprise B . surprised C . surprises D . surprising
    A . If B . Unless C . After D . When
    A . everybody B . anybody C . nobody D . somebody
    A . angrily B . angrier C . angry D . more angrily
    A . on B . of C . for D . in
    A . hardly B . hard C . harder D . hardest
    A . say B . said C . to say D . saying
