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  • 1. (2020八上·黄埔期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    More than 700 years ago, Scotland (苏格兰)was fighting against England. The king of England wanted to 1Scotland. England had a strong army so it was 2for the Scots people to fight. They lost many times. King Robert of Scotland had to run away from the English army.

    One rainy day. King Robert lay in an old house. He thought that he was not good enough to be a king. He was so 3that he didn't even see a spider(蜘蛛)above him. When he 4, he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up its web at the top of the house but it fell down.

    "How sad!" thought King Robert. "The spider is like me. It's not 5enough." He watched it while the spider climbed up again. It fell down a second time.

    "Be careful, little spider,6 you might die." he said. "Life is so hard, you will never get back to your web. But the spider 7again and again. King Robert watched as it 8climbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider got back to the web.

    "You are such a great spider," he said. "If you can keep trying, I can too. I must keep on fighting. I won't let the English win." His 9grew strong and they 10the English army. Scotland was free.

    A . leave B . capture C . help D . visit
    A . hard B . interesting C . important D . fantastic
    A . bored B . cheerful C . worried D . surprised
    A . looked at B . looked out C . looked up D . looked for
    A . old B . strong C . fast D . free
    A . because B . and C . so D . or
    A . tried B . fell C . practised D . cheered
    A . fast B . easily C . slowly D . suddenly
    A . army B . feelings C . opinions D . family
    A . kept B . helped C . joined D . stopped
