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  • 1. (2021高三上·云南月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was one of the first suspension bridges(悬索桥).Not only has it been used for automobile traffic, but also trolleys and pedestrians, When it1in May of 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was called a marvel of engineering and it's still a(n)2sight. I'll bet I've been3that bridge a dozen times and I still love to look at it. And I'm not alone.

    Washington A. Roebling was the chief engineer on the bridge and it was supposed to be the crowning achievement in his professional4And I admit it was, at least to a certain extent, but there is one who actually5more credit than he. You see, Washington couldn't finish the job and even barely let it started. As a matter of fact, when setting the6for the bridge, which was 78 feet underwater, a tragic accident7, taking the life of Washington's father, John Roebling, the primary engineer of the bridge. Washington was soon appointed as chief engineer,8before long he got badly ill. The illness caused a certain amount of brain9, which made him unable to walk or talk. All he could do was move one finger. What's worse, he was the only one who knew how to build the bridge.10these difficulties, Washington was never 11 but decided to make the best of his finger. By 12one's arm with it, he slowly developed a code of communication.

    However, no one else was willing to 13 the awesome responsibilities of the job, except one! One who knew almost14 of construction or engineering. One who didn't even know advanced math. One who had only a deep 15 in her husband's work. Yes, it's her! Emily Roebling, the very smart and talented wife of Washington Roebling, who 16 Washington's ideas to other engineers and instructed them what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was 17completed.

    It's true that if it hadn't been18 the dedication of Emily who was willing to take over as a 19chief engineer, we may not have the Brooklyn Bridge today. So, we'd like to thank her for her 20.

    A . opened B . searched C . tracked D . widened
    A . typical B . impressive C . impossible D . terrible
    A . aside B . away C . across D . about
    A . skill B . career C . basis D . term
    A . blames B . declares C . collects D . deserves
    A . foundation B . construction C . destination D . direction
    A . exchanged B . decided C . occurred D . programmed
    A . since B . so C . as D . but
    A . loss B . damage C . destruction D . ruin
    A . In terms of B . In charge of C . In spite of D . In favor of
    A . dismissed B . discouraged C . disturbed D . distinguished
    A . pulling B . reaching C . moving D . tapping
    A . take on B . take off C . take out D . take in
    A . nothing B . something C . everything D . anything
    A . effect B . qualification C . belief D . desire
    A . reviewed B . persuaded C . relayed D . prepared
    A . eventually B . mostly C . hardly D . regularly
    A . as B . with C . to D . for
    A . strange B . temporary C . heroic D . friendly
    A . records B . promises C . collections D . efforts
